The SCU Annual Fund is the most popular vehicle through which our supporters give to SCU. We look to our alumni and friends for their support of the Annual Fund every year in order to have an immediate and meaningful impact that helps SCU transform and redefine health and healthcare education.
Unrestricted, current-use funds serve as a bridge between long-term goals and the immediate, pressing needs of today.
Gifts to the Annual Fund fuel Student and Alumni Success and Career Development, helping SCU strike the perfect balance between academic excellence, a cohesive support system and vibrant post-graduate opportunities.
Growing SCU’s student success program to strengthen mental health programming, research and writing services, career development, and business development is paramount to SCU’s integrative healthcare education model that focuses on the whole person.
LACC and SCU Alumni are the backbone of the institution. By increasing career and business development services and providing a robust continuing education platform, SCU is in a unique position to influence integrative healthcare in the communities that the Alumni live in.
A longstanding tradition of support for your alma mater
Gifts to the Annual Fund at or above the leadership level make up a very significant proportion of giving totals. When you give at the leadership level to the Annual Fund, you make a very real difference for our students and faculty.
Recognition at one of these levels is based on unrestricted gifts to the SCU Annual Fund, including corporate matching gifts, during one fiscal year (Sept. 1–Aug. 31)
Annual Giving Societies
Century Club
The Century Club represents members who support SCU’s Annual Fund, which supports Student and Alumni Success and Career and Business Development.
1911 Society
The 1911 Society recognizes alumni, faculty, staff, retirees, and other friends who have named SCU a beneficiary of a planned gift.
Heritage Society
The Heritage Society strives to extend SCU’s gratitude through annual contributions of time and resources each year to make SCU one of the world’s premier integrated healthcare institutions.
President’s Leadership Circle
Since 2014, the President’s Leadership Circle has recognized the most loyal and generous donors to SCU. These donors offer their philanthropic and leadership support and share a commitment to this great institution.